Setup Multi-account environment with AWS best practices

Setting up a landing zone/multi-account environment with AWS best practices is difficult. Adex can help you create a centrally manageable multi-cloud environment seamlessly with AWS best practices including other compliance standards such as GDPR or HIPAA if needed.

Achieve More With Adex and AWS


Take advantage of Control Tower’s integrations with Security Hub and Config to automatically enforce baseline security and compliance controls.


Implement granular guardrails mapped to your business needs, block specific service usage, enforce tagging, limit regions or resource creation etc. on specific accounts or entire organization.


Automate the creation of AWS accounts with the built-in governance which automatically inherit AWS Control Tower configured settings and standards.


Leverage Control Tower’s integration with Cost Explorer to analyze spends by account, OU, tag, or other dimensions to have a central cost visibility and control.


Authorize and authenticate a user using AWS IAM Identity Center's SSO to all the accounts managed by Control Tower for better user control and security.


Seamlessly integrate third-party software at scale to enhance your AWS environment according to your business needs.

How Adex Implemented This Service?


Why Choose Adex as Your Control Tower Consulting Partner?

Expertise in integrating other services and tools with Control Tower

Adex can help you to integrate over 40+ AWS services and 40+ third party products to Control Tower to get the best security and governance on your services and resources in AWS. We can setup your multi-account environment in AWS to manage security, monitoring, cost control, Authentication and Authorization centrally by utilizing other AWS services and external tools.


Maintaining best practices and compliance standards

One of the main thing Adex focuses is in maintaining compliance standards in AWS cloud by leveraging AWS Control Towers capabilities. Our expertise enables us to set up and manage your multi-account environment to maintain robust compliance, including security, auditing, and reporting. We ensure that we follow AWS best practices in every steps of setting up multi-account environment. We can also help you in maintaining compliance standards such as GDPR or HIPAA by setting up custom rules and configurations.

Use Cases

Govern Accounts centrally

The Control Tower interface offers a centralized dashboard to govern and monitor all of your accounts. Control Tower creates an overview of compliance status and governance for your accounts so that you can tidy policies on all your AWS accounts for better manage governance.

Provision AWS accounts with robust compliance

Provision a new AWS accounts with just few minutes. The newly created accounts automatically comply with security and operational best practices for a secure and compliant multi-account environment.

Quickly Deploy application to multi-account environment

AWS offers robust security features and compliance certifications, which can help meet regulatory Rapidly deploy apRapidly deploy applications across multiple AWS accounts. With pre-configured blueprints and automated workflows, Control Tower can standardize how applications are deployed and configured across your environment, while saving you time.plications across multiple AWS accounts. With pre-configured blueprints and automated workflows, Control Tower can standardize how applications are deployed and configured across your environment, while saving you time.